New and Noteworthy
SPCS Prayer Chain for our Nation - Wednesday, January 29, after 8:15am Mass
All parishioners are invited to gather in the breezeway between the church and school for a prayer chain for our nation.
Prayer Intention
As we pray together each day at 3pm, this week let us pray that those who are enslaved by resentment may be freed to forgive and show mercy.
Amazing Women's Guild - Friday, February 7, after 8:15am Mass
All ladies of the parish are invited to the PMC for brunch and a Lenten reflection with Fr. Gregory.
World Day of the Sick Mass - Saturday, February 8
Bishop Golka will celebrate Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral with prayers for healing, anointing of the sick and blessing of caregivers. Please join us if you or someone you know is in need of prayers for healing. After Mass, members of the Order of Malta will distribute bottles of Lourdes water and accept written prayer petitions that will be taken to the annual pilgrimage to Lourdes, France.
Respect Life
Please click
here to review a list of upcoming Respect Life activities and events.
This Week
Holy Hour - Friday, January 24, 3pm
Friday Afternoon Club - January 24, 4-7pm
Details above.
Just Do Something: Anti-Human Trafficking Conference - Saturday, January 25, 8am - 12:15pm
Details below.
Parish Rosary (Luminous Mysteries)
Saturday, January 25, 4:30pm
Sunday, January 26, 10am
Sunday, January 26, 4:30pm
If you are unable to come, click
here for recordings to pray along with us on Saturday, Sunday, and throughout the week.
Parents' Coffee and Donuts - Sunday, January 26, 9:15-10am
Join us in the school cafeteria for coffee and donuts. Childcare is available in the school gym.
St. Peter Catholic School Mass - Sunday, January 26, 10:30am
SPCS Open House - Sunday, January 26, 11:30am- 1pm
Details above.
Savio Youth Group - Sunday, January 26, 6:15-8pmHigh school students: Join us in the PMC for
Game Night with an extra special twist. For more information, contact Sr. Pham (
SPCS Prayer Chain for our Nation - Wednesday, January 29, after 8:15am Mass
All parishioners are invited to gather in the breezeway between the church and school for a prayer chain for our nation.
Holy Hour - Friday, January 31, 3pm
Candle Blessing - February 1 & 2, all Masses
On February 1 & 2, the Church celebrates the feast of the Presentation of the Lord which occurs forty days after the birth of Jesus and is also known as Candlemas. Candlemas commemorates the occasion when the Virgin Mary, in obedience to Jewish law, went to the Temple in Jerusalem both to be purified 40 days after the birth of her son, Jesus, and to present him to God as her firstborn. Candles are often blessed on Candlemas because it symbolizes Jesus Christ as the "Light of the World," and the candle flame represents this divine light entering the world. If you have candles you would like to have blessed, please bring them to Mass with you.
February First Saturday Mass Location Change
The First Saturday Mass on February 1, will not be held at St. Peter. The Order of Malta invites you to join them for First Saturday Mass at Ave Maria Parish in Parker, for this month only. First Saturday Mass at Ave Maria is at 9am, with Adoration and Confession from 9:30am-11am.
St. Blaise Blessing of Throats - Monday, February 3, 8:15am Mass
On the feast day of St. Blaise, blessings will be offered for those suffering disease of the throat, and for the protection for others from afflictions of the throat and from other illnesses.
Savio Bake Sale - February 8 & 9, after all Masses
Please support our Savio High School youth by buying or donating baked goods. All proceeds will be used to send our teens to the Steubenville of the Rockies Conference this summer. For more information, contact Sr. Pham (
Tapping into Theology - Tuesday, February 11, 7pm
Please join us in the PMC where Tom Ryan will discuss
"Ecumenism, Religious Freedom, and Freemasonry." To RSVP (especially if requesting pizza), contact Stephanie Kemp ( or 719-481-4355).
GriefShare: Loss of Spouse Seminar - Wednesday, February 12, 2-4pmAre you grieving the death of a spouse? Your life has changed forever. The daily emotions and challenges can seem too hard to bear. Join us in the PMC to find help and learn coping strategies. For more information, contact Melissa Smith (
GriefShare Support Group - Begins Wednesday, February 19, 2-4pmAre you seeking encouragement after the death of a loved one? GriefShare is a special 13-week seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life. The group meets in the PMC. For more information, contact Melissa Smith (
To Jesus Through Mary Ministry
To learn more about this ministry, click
Please join in praying the St. Peter Parish Rosary at 4:30pm Saturday, 10am Sunday, or 4:30pm Sunday. If you are unable to come, click
here for recordings to pray along, Sat/Sun and throughout the week.
Please pray the rosary every day. 154,709 rosaries prayed so far by St. Peter parishioners! If you would like your prayed rosary count to be included in our parish tally, just fill in an anonymous tally sheet on the rosary table in the back of the church and place in the glass vase. You can also write in your recurring weekly count one time to be included automatically or email Monica Whiteside at
Online Giving
here to make an offering via our safe, secure and convenient online giving program.