New and Noteworthy
The parish offices are CLOSED on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents Day.
Prayer Intention
As we pray together each day at 3pm, this week let us pray for the downtrodden in this life, that they would be consoled by Our Lord’s promises in eternity.
Bosco Youth Group - Saturday, February 15, 6:15-7:30pmAll middle school students are invited to the PMC to celebrate God's AMAZING LOVE! Wear red or pink and bring a treat to share, if you wish. For more information, contact Sister Pham (
Fish Fry Fridays Begin March 7
Please join St. Peter Knights of Columbus Council 11514 for our fish dinner. The menu consists of grilled salmon, baked cod, clam chowder, side dishes of country potatoes, apple sauce and coleslaw, drinks and dessert. The cost is $15 for age 13 and up, $10 for age 5-12, no charge for 4 and under. Meat-free pizza will be available for the little ones. Bring your family to Jaeger Hall, 5-7pm, for a delicious meal and fellowship.
Diocesan Ministry Appeal (DMA)
Let us pray that we draw closer to God through our own suffering. And may contentment in our good fortune on Earth not blind us to opportunities, such as supporting the Diocesan Ministry Appeal, to address the needs of others among us. To learn more and donate, click
Respect Life
Please click
here to review a list of upcoming Respect Life activities and events.
This Week
Holy Hour - Friday, February 14, 3pm
Bosco Youth Group - Saturday, February 15, 6:15-7:30pm
Details above.
Parish Rosary (Luminous Mysteries)
Saturday, February 15, 4:30pm
Sunday, February 16, 10am
Sunday, February 16, 4:30pm
If you are unable to come, click
here for recordings to pray along with us on Saturday, Sunday, and throughout the week.
Scout Recognition Mass - Sunday, February 16, 10:30am Mass
St. Peter will honor all Scouts on Sunday, February 16, during the 10:30am Mass in observance of "Scout Sunday." This includes past or present members of Scouts BSA, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, American Heritage Girls and Trail Life USA. You're encouraged to wear your uniform so you may be recognized and celebrated! After months of hard work, one of our young parishioners will also receive a Scouting Religious Award at this time. If you're interested in joining one of these Scouting organizations, contact Bernie Schwartze at or 719-351-5736.
Parish offices CLOSED - Monday, February 17
GriefShare Support Group - Wednesday, February 19, 2-4pm
Details above.
Ladies' Lunch Bunch - Thursday, February 20, 11:30am
This month we’re going to
Red's Sunset Grill (7 Spectrum Loop, Ste. 140). All ladies of the parish are welcome! RSVP by noon on Monday, February 17, to Karen B. (719-321-6288 or Separate checks will be provided and carpools can be arranged, as needed. Lunch Bunch meets on the third
Thursday of the month. Next month’s Lunch Bunch is March 20.
Holy Hour - Friday, February 21, 3pm
Family Adoration - Friday, February 21, 6:30pm
Details above.
Mandatory Lead Altar Server Training - Saturday, February 22, 2:30pm
Details below.
2024 Annual Contribution Statements
You may also pick up your statement in the office during business hours (M-F, 8:30am-2pm, closed from noon to 1pm for lunch). Statements are printed for contributions of $250 or more. To request a statement, contact Amy Saber ( If you need to have your statement emailed, please contact the office.
2025 is the Jubilee Year of Hope. Yet, How can you walk in HOPE with uncertainty and conflict around you?
Dick Schubert invites you to
God's Love, Now... Gives You Hope, five sessions with talks and discussions and a notebook with all the materials so you can recall important thoughts later. Reserve your seat by February 25 by emailing Sessions are 6:30pm – 8:30pm, March 4, 11, 18, 25, and April 1, at Our Lady of the Pines Parish Life Center (11020 Teachout Road). Cost is $10, payable at the door.
To Jesus Through Mary Ministry
To learn more about this ministry, click
Please join in praying the St. Peter Parish Rosary at 4:30pm Saturday, 10am Sunday, or 4:30pm Sunday. If you are unable to come, click
here for recordings to pray along, Sat/Sun and throughout the week.
Please pray the rosary every day. 155,970 rosaries prayed so far by St. Peter parishioners! If you would like your prayed rosary count to be included in our parish tally, just fill in an anonymous tally sheet on the rosary table in the back of the church and place in the glass vase. You can also write in your recurring weekly count one time to be included automatically or email Monica Whiteside at
Online Giving
here to make an offering via our safe, secure and convenient online giving program.